Curriculum vitae

Academic Qualifications: Bachelor of Arts (Hons) (Sydney), 1967. Doctorat d'Université (Paris IV - Sorbonne), 1971.

Academic Distinctions: Elected to Membership of the International Structuro-Global Audio-Visual Association .

Languages Spoken: English and French (native-speaker level proficiency in both). Modern Greek (reasonable working knowledge in speaking and listening). Some remnants of Arabic and very small amounts of German, Italian and Polish.

Current Employment

Previous Employment


Membership of Professional and Other Relevant Associations


Highlights for 1993 - 2010




  • Vice-President and US representative of AsiaCALL, 2007-2011










    1993 - 1999




    Other Experience


    Positions Currently Held


    Positions Held Previously







    (with Lian, A. B.) Queensland government contracts (5) to provide in-service teacher education programmes in computers, technology and language learning.












    Undergraduate and Postgraduate Awards








    Major Research


    Publications/Research Papers

    Intonation Patterns of French, (Student's Manual), Melbourne, River Seine Publications, 1980, 70p.

    Intonation Patterns of French, (Teacher's Book), Melbourne, River Seine Publications, 1980, 189p.

    (with Joy, B. K.): 'Verbo-tonalism, Research and Language-learning', in SGAV Newsletter, July 1981, pp 7-12.

    (with Joy, B. K. and Russell, I. R.): 'Introduction to Computer-Assisted Second Language Education', paper read to the 21st A.U.L.L.A. Congress, Massey University, New Zealand, January 1982, in Dunmore, J. and Muirhead, J. (eds): AULLA XXI Proceedings and Papers 1982, Massey University, Palmerston North, N. Z., 1982, pp. 303-311. Reprinted in The New Zealand Language Teacher, vol. 8, nos. 2-3, 1982, pp. 17-19.

    (with Joy, B. K. and Russell, I. R.): 'Toward the Development of a Computer-Assisted Foreign Language Listening Comprehension Programme', paper read to the 21st A.U.L.L.A. Congress, Massey University, New Zealand, January 1982.

    'Forms and Techniques of Assessment for Listening Comprehension Skills', (invited) paper read to the Assessment Conference of the Queensland Board of Senior Secondary School Studies, February 1982.

    (with Mestre, M-C.): 'La vidéo dans la classe de langue', paper read to the first Australian Conference organised by the Groupe d'étude et de recherche sur l'utilisation et la diffusion des médias d'expression française, French Embassy, Canberra, May 1982.

    (with Joy, B. K.): 'Prosody: the Crossroads of Language Systems', in SGAV Review, No. 1, July 1982, pp. 5-11.

    (with Mestre, M-C.): 'The Use of Video in a Communicative Approach to Language Learning', in SGAV Review, No. 2, November 1982, pp. 13-24.

    'On Interlanguage and Naivety', in SGAV Review, No. 2, November 1982, pp. 5-12.

    (with Mestre, M-C.): 'The Use of Video in a Communicative Approach to Learning French', in Zuber-Skerritt, O. (ed.): Videology: The Use of Video in Higher Education, Kogan Page, London, 1984, pp. 257-267.

    (with Mestre, M-C.): 'Toward Genuine Individualisation in Language Course Development', in Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, vol. 6, no. 2, 1983, pp. 1- 19.

    (with Joy, B.K. and Russell, I. R.): 'Listening Comprehension in Foreign Languages: Computing Some Possibilities', in Babel, vol. 18, no. 2, 1983, pp. 15-30.

    (with Joy, B. K.): 'The Butcher, The Baker, The Candlestick Maker: Some Uses of Dialogue Generators in Computer-Assisted Foreign Language Learning', in Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, vol. 6, no. 2, 1983, pp. 60-71.

    'Using Scanners in the Computer-Assisted Development of the Writing Skill in a Foreign Language', in Proceedings of the Conference on Computer-Aided Learning in Tertiary Education (CALITE), Brisbane, 1983, pp. 446-455.

    'Aspects of Answer-Evaluation in Traditional Computer-Assisted Language Learning', in Russell R. M. (ed.): Proceedings of the 2nd CALITE Congress, Brisbane, University of Queensland, 1984, pp. 150-160.

    (with Mestre, M-C.): 'Goal-directed Communicative Interaction and Macrosimulation', in Revue de Phonétique Appliquée, 73-74-75, 1985, pp. 185-210.

    'An Experimental Computer-Assisted Listening Comprehension System', in Revue de Phonétique Appliquée, 73-74-75, 1985, pp. 167-184.

    (with Cryle, P. M.): 'Sorry, I'll Play That Again', in Bowden, J. A. and Lichtenstein, S. (eds): Student Control of Learning: Computers in Tertiary Education, Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Melbourne, December 1985, pp. 204-213.

    'Methods of Teaching French', in Guindy, E. (ed.): Language Methodology and Resources: A Report of Proceedings, Brisbane, Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland, 1985, pp. 27-31.

    'Review of Savignon, S.: Communicative Competence, Theory and Classroom Practice', in System, vol. 13, December 1985, pp. 167-168.

    'Implementing Computer-Assisted Language Learning', in Hoddinott, D. (ed.): ATESOL 4th Summer School, Proceedings: volume 4, Sydney, 1986, pp. 28-45.

    (with Montredon, J.): 'Learning About Tenses, a Computer-Aided Approach', paper read to the ALAA Congress, Brisbane.

    'Generative Computer-Aided Language Learning: The University of Queensland CALL Project and EXCALIBUR', in (Girle, R. A. ed): Report of the First Round Table Conference: Australian Educational Expert System Project, Project EXCALIBUR Publications, University of Queensland, Brisbane, 1986, pp. 125-136.

    'Awareness, Autonomy and Achievement in Foreign Language Learning', paper read to the VIIème Colloque International SGAV, Brussels, 1986, in Revue de Phonétique Appliquée, 82-84, 1987, pp. 167-184, and pre-published in The SGAV Review

    Review (solicited) of Français et audio-visuel à l'authentique, for The New Zealand Journal of French Studies, vol. 8, no. 1, 1987, pp. 57-61.

    'Computer-Aided Language Learning: A Matter of Vision', (invited) paper read to the 15th ATESOL Summer School, Sydney, January 1987.

    'EXCALIBUR and CALL', (invited) paper read to the 5th ATESOL Summer School, Sydney, January 1987.

    (with Thornquist, L. and Thornquist, L.): 'Computer-Based Technology in Language Learning: Beyond the Walls of the Traditional Classroom', in Journal of Educational Techniques and Technologies, vol. 20, no. 2, Premiere 1987, pp. 24-31, (solicited).

    'The Best of Both Worlds... Cheaply', paper read to the 5th CALITE Congress, Sydney, December 1987.

    'Distributed Learning Environments and Computer-Enhanced Language Learning: Evolution in (Language) Learning Laboratories', (invited) paper read at the RELC Seminar, Singapore, April 1988.

    'Distributed Learning Environments and Computer-Enhanced Language Learning (CELL)', (invited) paper read to the Australian and South Pacific External Studies Association (ASPESA) National Workshop, Capricornia Institute, Rockhampton, July 1988, in Dekkers, J., Griffin, H. and Kempf, N. (eds): Computer Technology serves Distance Education, Rockhampton, Capricornia Institute, 1988, pp. 83 - 88.

    'Distributed Language-Learning Environments in Computer-Enhanced Language-Learning: Implementation Considerations', (invited) paper read to the VIIIth International SGAV Conference, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, September 1988.

    'Computer-Enhanced Language Learning at Bond University', (invited) paper read to the VIth ATESOL Summer School, University of Sydney, January 1989.

    (joint ed.): SGAV Review, vol. 8, no. 1, 1989.

    (with Levy, M. J.): 'The Impact of Policy Decisions on the Implementation of Computer-Enhanced Language Learning (CELL)', paper read to the International CALICO Conference, United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, USA, April, 1989.

    (joint ed.): On-Call, (the Journal of the national CALL Clearinghouse) vol. 4, no.1, Bond University Language Centre, August, 1989.

    'Computer-Enhanced Language Learning: the Near Future', Keynote address read to the National Congress of the Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education, December 1989.

    (joint ed.): SGAV Review, vol. 8, no. 2, 1989.

    (joint ed.): On-Call, (the Journal of the national CALL Clearinghouse) vol. 4, no.2, Bond University Language Centre, December, 1989.

    (joint ed.): On-Call, (the Journal of the National CALL Clearinghouse) vol. 4, no.3, Bond University Language Centre, February 1990.

    (joint ed.): On-Call, (the Journal of the National CALL Clearinghouse) vol. 4, no.4, Bond University Language Centre, May 1990.

    (joint ed.): On-Call, (the Journal of the National CALL Clearinghouse), vol. 5, no. 1, September 1990.

    (joint ed.): On-Call, (the Journal of the National CALL Clearinghouse), vol. 5, no. 2, December 1990.

    (joint ed.): SGAV Review, vol. 9, no. 1, 1990.

    'Computer-Enhanced Language Learning and Distance Education', chapter in Sussex, R. D.: Australia-UK Educational Exchange Consultancy: Distance Education and Technology in Language Teaching, Language and Technology Centre of the National Languages Institute of Australia, CLTR, University of Queensland, pp. 78-87.

    'Language Learning Methodology', chapter in Sussex, R. D.: Australia-UK Educational Exchange Consultancy: Distance Education and Technology in Language Teaching, Language and Technology Centre of the National Languages and Literacy Institute of Australia, CLTR, University of Queensland, pp. 58-63.

    'Applications of Interactive Digitised Audiovisual Systems (IDA) in Language Learning', paper read to the National Conference of the Australian Federation of the Modern Language Teachers Association, Brisbane, September 1990.

    Keynote speaker (paper entitled 'Trends and Developments in Computer-Enhanced Language Learning') and leader of a Plenary Colloquium on Computer-Enhanced Language Learning, National Conference of the Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers Association, Brisbane, September 1990.

    (joint ed.): On-Call, (the Journal of the National CALL Clearinghouse) vol. 5, no.3, Bond University Language Centre, February 1991.

    (with Crawford, J. C.): 'Some Australian Applications of Verbotonalism, invited paper read at the International Verbotonal Symposium, Zagreb, 1991.

    (joint ed.): SGAV Review, vol. 9, no. 2, 1991.

    (joint ed.): On-Call, (the Journal of the National CALL Clearinghouse) vol. 5, no. 4, Bond University Language Centre, May 1991.

    'What is CALL Software?' (invited) paper read to the FIPLV/Eurocentres seminar on: The use, application and limitations of new computer-based technology in foreign language learning, Goldsmiths College, University of London, London, September 1988. Subsequently read as a keynote address to the State Conference of the Computer Education Group of Queensland, 1989. Published in On-Call, vol. 5, no. 4, 1991, pp. 2-8.

    (with Levy, M. J.): 'An Australian Perspective on Computer-Enhanced Language Learning: the Bond University Context', (invited) in Interactive Learning International, vol. 7, no. 3, July-September, Wiley, London, 1991 pp. 165-174.

    'Applications of Interactive Digitised Audio Technology in Language Learning', (invited) in Merry, B. (ed.): Essays in Honour of Keith Val Sinclair, Townsville, JCU, Capricornia No 9, 1991, pp. 254-272.

    'The On-Call Bulletin Board System', in On-Call, vol. 6, no. 1, 1991, pp. 2-3.

    (joint ed.): On-Call, (the Journal of the National CALL Clearinghouse) vol. 6, no.1, Bond University Language Centre, September 1991.

    'Applications of Computers in LOTE Teaching', Keynote address (invited) read to the Biennial Conference of the Modern Languages Association of Tasmania, September 1991.

    'Toward a Computer-Aided Language Learning Support System', in Filologija, Journal of the Yugoslav Academy of Science and Fine Arts, special edition in honour of the 75th birthday of Professor Petar Guberina, vol. 15, Zagreb 1987-1988 (published 1992), pp. 143-152.

    'Intelligence in CALL', (invited) paper read to the International CALL Symposium held within the World Congress of the International Association of Applied Linguistics, Sydney, August 1987, in Pennington, M. and V. Stevens (eds): Computers in Applied Linguistics: An International Perspective, Multilingual Matters, Clevedon, Avon, UK, 1992, pp. 66-76.

    (joint ed.): On-Call, vol. 6, no.2, Bond University Language Centre, May 1992.

    (joint ed.): On-Call, vol. 7, no. 1, Bond University Language Centre, September 1992.

    (joint ed.): On-Call, vol. 7, no.2, Bond University Language Centre, January 1993.

    'Listening comprehension, interactive videodisc and digitised speech', paper read to the Linguistics section of the AULLA Conference, University of Otago, Dunedin, N.Z., 1993.

    (with Hoven, D. L. and Hudson, T. J.): Audio-Video Computer Enhanced Language Learning and the Development of Listening Comprehension Skills, 2 vols, 127 pp. and 153 pp., 1 videodisc, 3 computer programs, computer-based listening comprehension materials for English as a Second Language, French and Japanese, Australian Second Language Learning Project, Director of Project: A-P. Lian, Commonwealth of Australia, 1993.

    'General Introduction', Chapter 1 in Lian, A-P., Hoven, D. L. and Hudson, T. J.: Audio-Video Computer Enhanced Language Learning and the Development of Listening Comprehension Skills, Australian Second Language Learning Project, 1993, pp. 1-8.

    'Awareness, Autonomy and Achievement', Chapter 3 in Lian, A-P., Hoven, D. L. and Hudson, T. J.: Audio-Video Computer Enhanced Language Learning and the Development of Listening Comprehension Skills, Australian Second Language Learning Project, 1993, pp. 25-41.

    'Toward a new computer tool for the development of listening comprehension skills', Chapter 6 in Lian, A-P., Hoven, D. L. and Hudson, T. J.: Audio-Video Computer Enhanced Language Learning and the Development of Listening Comprehension Skills, Australian Second Language Learning Project, 1993, pp. 64-74.

    'SBPLAY: an audiovisual browser and language laboratory substitute', Chapter 7 in Lian, A-P., Hoven, D. L. and Hudson, T. J.: Audio-Video Computer Enhanced Language Learning and the Development of Listening Comprehension Skills, Australian Second Language Learning Project, 1993, pp. 75-92.

    'The problem of answer-evaluation in traditional CALL settings', Chapter 8 in Lian, A-P., Hoven, D. L. and Hudson, T. J.: Audio-Video Computer Enhanced Language Learning and the Development of Listening Comprehension Skills, Australian Second Language Learning Project, 1993, pp. 93-105.

    'Brief description and users' manual for the IBMREG system', Chapter 9 in Lian, A-P., Hoven, D. L. and Hudson, T. J.: Audio-Video Computer Enhanced Language Learning and the Development of Listening Comprehension Skills, Australian Second Language Learning Project, 1993, pp. 106-112.

    'English as a Second Language', Chapter 10 in Lian, A-P., Hoven, D. L. and Hudson, T. J.: Audio-Video Computer Enhanced Language Learning and the Development of Listening Comprehension Skills, Australian Second Language Learning Project, 1993, pp. 115-116 and ACP1-1 to ACP8V-2.

    'French', Chapter 11 in Lian, A-P., Hoven, D. L. and Hudson, T. J.: Audio-Video Computer Enhanced Language Learning and the Development of Listening Comprehension Skills, Australian Second Language Learning Project, 1993, pp. 117-118 and AC1SBP-1 to AC1SB-35.

    AC1SB, computer-based listening comprehension materials for French, Australian Second Language Learning Project, 1993.

    AC1SBP, computer-based listening comprehension materials for French, Australian Second Language Learning Project, 1993.

    (with Hoven, D. L): ACP1-1 to ACP8V-2, a set of 23 listening comprehension materials for English as a Second Language, Australian Second Language Learning Project, 1993.

    'Technology and the language learner', keynote address to the National Seminar on Computers in Language Learning, Canberra, 1993, (to be published in the Proceedings of the seminar).

    'Computer-Enhanced Language Learning: the latest research', keynote address to the National Seminar on Computers in Language Learning, Canberra, 1993, (to be published in the Proceedings of the seminar).

    (joint ed.): On-Call, vol. 7, no.3, Bond University Language Centre, May 1993.

    'A New audio-visual browser and language laboratory substitute', paper read to the national conference of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia, Adelaide, September 1993.

    (with Lian, A. B.): 'Computer-Enhanced Language Learning: a research workshop', workshop conducted at the national conference of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia, Adelaide, September 1993.

    (joint ed.): On-Call, vol. 8, no. 1, Bond University Language Centre, September 1993.

    (with Lian, A. B.): 'Computer-Enhanced Language Learning: research in progress', a workshop conducted North Queensland Conference for LOTE teachers, JCU, December 1993.

    'Language Teaching in the '90s', (keynote address) Modern Language Teachers' Association of ACT Conference, Canberra, May 1994.

    'The implications of technology for the LOTE teacher', (keynote address) Modern Language Teachers' Association of ACT Conference, Canberra, May 1994.

    (with Lian, A. B.): 'Using technology in the LOTE classroom', (keynote address) Modern Language Teachers' Association of ACT Conference, Canberra, May 1994.

    (joint ed.): On-Call, vol. 8, no. 2, Bond University Language Centre, May 1994.

    'Dialogue generators Mark II', paper presented to the ALAA National Congress, University of Melbourne, July 1994.

    (joint ed.): On-Call, vol. 8, no. 3, Bond University Language Centre, September 1994.

    'Two computer-based listening comprehension systems', paper read to National Conference of the Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers' Associations, Perth, October 1994..

    'Dialogue generators: the next generation', paper read to the International CALICO symposium, Middlebury College, USA, June 1995.

    (joint ed.): On-Call, vol. 9, no. 1, University of Queensland, January 1995.

    (joint ed.): On-Call, vol. 9, no. 2, University of Queensland, May 1995.

    'Language-learning resources and modern technology', paper read to the 20th National Conference of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia, Canberra, September 1995.

    (joint ed.): On-Call, vol. 9, no. 3, University of Queensland, October 1995.

    'Virtually Speaking... Technology-Enhanced Language Learning in Australia', in Education Australia, no. 31, 1995, pp. 24-27.

    (joint ed.): On-Call, vol. 10, no. 1, University of Queensland, January 1996.

    (joint ed.): On-Call, vol. 10, no. 2, University of Queensland, May 1996.

    (with Lian, A. B.): 'The uses of technology in language-teaching: an exploratory approach', (invited) paper to National Languages and Literacy Institute (NLLIA) panel on Technology in the Language Classroom, EXPO Lingua '96, Brisbane, July 1996, to be published in a collection of papers on the subject by NLLIA.

    'The challenges of technology', plenary address to the National Conference of the Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers' Association, in Scarino, A. (Ed.): Equity in Languages Other Than English, Conference papers of the AFMLTA 10th National Languages Conference, Perth, AFMLTA, 1996, pp. 35 - 42.

    'Does using a calculator reduce your ability to think? Does using a book reduce your ability to remember? Reflections on the use of technology in language learning', paper read to the National Conference of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia, Sydney, October 1996.

    (joint ed.): On-Call, vol. 10, no. 3, University of Queensland, October 1996.

    Paper (invited): 'Australian LOTE Policies and Universities', in McMillen, D. H. (ed.): Globalisation and Regional Communities, USQ Press, Toowoomba, 1997, pp. 362-367..

    (with Lian, A. B.) 'The Secret of the Shao-Lin Monk: Contribution to an intellectual framework for language-learning', revised and expanded version of a paper read originally to the Language Departments at Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA, February 1997, in On-CALL, vol. 11, no. 2, May 1997 pp. 2-18.

    'Toward an Integrated Computer-Enhanced Language-Learning Support System', paper and software demonstration, presented to the National Conference of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Qld, October 1997.

    'From theory to practice', (invited) contribution to a TELL symposium held as part of the National Conference of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Qld, October 1997.

    'Assessment revisited: An analysis of the criteria for assessing levels of achievement in the Queensland Board of Senior Secondary School Studies' Language Syllabuses', paper read to the Second Language Assessment Conference at the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, October, 1997, to be published in the Proceedings (in press).

    'LOTE in the new millenium', (invited) contribution and chair of a symposium on future directions of LOTE in Australia, presentation to the Second Language Assessment Conference at the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, October, 1997.

    (joint ed.): On-Call, vol. 11, no. 3, University of Queensland, October 1997.

    (joint ed.): On-Call, vol. 12, no. 1, University of Queensland, May 1998

    'On meaning and making sense in second-language pedagogy', paper read to the National Congress of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia, Griffith University, Brisbane, July 1998.

    'On-demand generation of individualised language-learning materials across the Internet', paper read to the CALICO98 International Symposium, San Diego, California, USA, July 1998.

    (joint ed.): On-Call, vol. 12, no. 2, University of Queensland, October 1998.

    'On-demand generation of individualised language-learning materials across the Internet', paper read to the KOTESOL 98 Conference Seoul, October, 1998.

    (with Lian, A. B.) (invited): 'Toward a Language-Learning Environment', Plenary session to Applied Linguistics Association of Korea, July 1999.

    'From first principles: Constructing language-learning and teaching environments', 9th International Symposium on English Teaching, November 2000, Taiwan, published in Selected Papers from the Ninth International Symposium on English Teaching, Taipei, Crane Publishing, November 2000.

    'Imagination in Language Teaching and Learning', keynote address to the English Language Teaching and Knowledge Transformation Conference, Chaoyang University of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan, 5th December 2001, published in the Proceedings of the Conference.

    Applied Linguistics in the Asia-Pacific Region: the next 25 years, Proceedings of the 25th Annual National Conference of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia, electronically published, University of Canberra, December 2001.

    'Language, Learning, Legitimation', keynote address to English Language Conference on English Language Teaching Trends, Dhurakijpundit University, Bangkok, Thailand, 31 May 2002

    'Knowledge, Meaning, (Language-) Learning and Technology', paper read to the International Computers and Philosophy Conference held at The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, November 2003 (videoconference from Rice University, Houston, TX, USA).

    'Seriously Practical: Implementing Technology-Enhanced Language-Learning (TELL) in an increasingly globalised world', in Hongladarom, S. (ed.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology and Universities in Asia (ITUA 2002), Chulalongkorn University Press, Bangkok, 2003, pp.399 - 407.

    'Rethinking Technology-Enhanced Language-Learning (TELL)', keynote address at the Innovations in Language-Teaching Conference, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, 6 August 2004.

    Review of Streaming Speech in Language Learning and Technology, vol. 8, no. 2, May 2004, pp. 23 - 32, available at

    'Technology-Enhanced Language-Learning Environments: a rhizomatic approach', book chapter in Son, J-B. (ed.): Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Concepts, Contexts and Practices, New York, iUniverse, November 2004, pp. 1 - 20.

    (with Lian, A. B., Dolan, D. C. and Scotellaro, G.): 'Narizoma: critical pedagogy in practice', book chapter in Son, J-B. (ed.): Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Concepts, Contexts and Practices, New York, iUniverse, November 2004, pp. 21 - 38.

    'The future of CALL', keynote address to AsiaCALL Conference, Sorabol College, Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, November 2005.

    'Language, Culture, Meaning, Learning and Technology', keynote address at the 2006 (9th) Conference on English Language Education sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Republic of China (Taiwan), Fortune Institute of Technology, Kaohsiung, Republic of China, April 2006 (Power Point presentation of speaking notes - Internet Explorer required)

    'So you want me to teach a class of 150 students??!!??', keynote address to AsiaCALL Conference, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 2006.

    'Implementing a rhizomatic model of Technology-Enhanced Language Learning', paper to be read to the 2007 Conference of the International Society for Language Studies, Hawaii, April 2007. 

    'The AsiaCALL Website: Objectives And Strategies For Developing A Strong And Dynamic Professional Association', (Keynote Address), AsiaCALL 2008, The Seventh International Conference of The Asia Association of Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon ratchasima, Thailand, November 21 - 23, 2008.

    Panel Discussion: 'The Future of CALL in Asia', 
    AsiaCALL 2008, The Seventh International Conference of The Asia Association of Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon ratchasima, Thailand, November 21 - 23, 2008.

    (with Gonzalez, J. A.): Technology-supported Rhizomatic Language-Learning : A Report On Work In Progress,
    AsiaCALL 2008, The Seventh International Conference of The Asia Association of Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon ratchasima, Thailand, November 21 - 23, 2008.

    Online Panel Discussion: 'Technology innovations for language learning and teaching', WIAOC (Webheads in Action Online Convergence Conference), 22 May 2009.

    'Developing a rhizomatic language-learning environment: the cultural dimension and the linguistic dimension', ISLS2009 Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, June 2009.

    'Where do I start? What do I do next? Enhancing effective language-learning and teaching', Keynote Speaker for the First International Conference in ELT Reserahc Findings, Rajabhat University, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, August 20 - 21, 2009.

    'Rhizomes, databases and learner-generated lessons', Illinois Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages State Conference. Lisle, IL, October 24, 2009.

    'Asian CALL, AsiaCALL: Issues in visibility and invisibility', (Keynote Address),  8th AsiaCALL Conference, Sanata Dharma University,  November 19 - 21, 2009.

    'Rhizomatic Culture and Language Learning Systems: Implementation', 8th AsiaCALL Conference, Sanata Dharma University,  November 19 - 21, 2009.

    Participant in Panel Discussion: 'Breakthroughs in CALL', 8th AsiaCALL Conference, Sanata Dharma University,  November 19 - 21, 2009.

    (with Moore, C. R.): 'Teaching Business French with Macrosimulation', in Innovations in CALL and their Implications in Language Learning', Proceedings of the 8th AsiaCALL Conference, Sanata Dharma University,  November 19 - 21, 2009.

    'When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change', (Keynote Address), 2010 NCUE Fifth Annual Conference on Language Teaching, Literature, Linguistics, Translation and Interpretation, Continuity and Discontinuity: Interdisciplinary Spectrum in English Study and Teaching, National Changhua University of Education, Changua, Taiwan, April 2010. Available at:

    (with Moore, C. R.): '
    Une nouvelle méthode pour enseigner le français commercial : la macrosimulation avec support technologique', Colloque 2010 de la Société des Professeurs Français et Francophones d'Amérique (SPFFA), Fordham University , New York, USA, October  29 - 30.

    Other Publications

    Source Book for French Language C, Brisbane, Department of French, University of Queensland, 1976.

    Students' Book for French Language D, Brisbane, Department of French, University of Queensland, 1976.

    'The Fabliaux: Immoderate but Moral', in Parergon, No. 7, December 1973, Canberra, pp. 12-20.

    'Aspects of Verbal Humour in the Old French Fabliaux', in (Treweek, A. P. ed.): Proceedings and Papers of the XIIth AULLA Congress, Perth, 1969, pp. 236-261


    Software and Courseware

    PRONOUN (Random exercise generator based on a program written by Collett, J.: Brisbane, University of Queensland, FGPCAL System, 1984, upgraded to IBM PC, 1992.

    PRESENT (Random exercise generator based on a program written by Collett, J.: Brisbane, University of Queensland, FGPCAL System, 1984, upgraded to IBM PC, 1992.

    SUBJUNCTIVE, (Random exercise generator), Brisbane, University of Queensland, FGPCAL System, 1984, upgraded to IBM PC, 1992.

    MINISCAN, (CAL Lesson Driver), Brisbane, University of Queensland, FGPCAL System, 1985.

    INPUT, (CAL Authoring Package), Brisbane, University of Queensland FGPCAL System, 1984.

    Revelation, (Computer-Aided Reading Comprehension Authoring System), Brisbane, University of Queensland, FGPCAL System, December 1986.

    Clom, (Authoring package for Cloze tests based on a driver written by J-C. Lacherez), Brisbane, University of Queensland, FGPCAL System, 1986.

    ORTHO, (Spelling Database for French), Brisbane, University of Queensland, FGPCAL System, 1986.

    Histoires, (Interactive Fiction Authoring/Presentation System), Brisbane, University of Queensland, FGPCAL System, 1986.

    (with Deschamps, G.): Class, (Computer-Based Testing System), Brisbane, University of Queensland, FGPCAL Unit, 1987.

    (with Cryle, P. M.): AC1, (Computer-Aided Listening Comprehension package), Brisbane, University of Queensland, FGPCAL System, 1984, upgraded 1986 and adapted to IDA system, Bond University Language Centre, 1990-1991.

    (with Cryle, P. M. & Spencer, M. C.): AC2, (Computer-Aided Listening Comprehension package), Brisbane, University of Queensland, FGPCAL System, 1984, upgraded 1985 and adapted to IDA system, Bond University Language Centre, 1990-1991.

    (with Cryle, P. M.): AC3, (Computer-Aided Listening Comprehension package), Brisbane, University of Queensland, FGPCAL System, 1985 and adapted to IDA system, Bond University Language Centre, 1990-1991.

    (with Cryle, P. M.): AC4, (Computer-Aided Listening Comprehension package), Brisbane, University of Queensland, FGPCAL System, 1985 and adapted to IDA system, Bond University Language Centre, 1990-1991.

    (with Cryle, P. M.): AC5, (Computer-Aided Listening Comprehension package), Brisbane, University of Queensland, FGPCAL System, 1986 and adapted to IDA system, Bond University Language Centre, 1990-1991.

    (with Spencer, M. C.): AC6, (Computer-Aided Listening Comprehension package), Brisbane, University of Queensland, FGPCAL System, 1986 and adapted to IDA system, Bond University Language Centre, 1990-1991.

    Revelation (Computer-Aided Reading Comprehension Authoring System), an adaptation for the IBM PC of revelation (UNIX version), Bond University Language Centre, 1990-1992.

    Langlab Language Laboratory simulation program for use with IDA system, University Language Centre, 1990.

    Telefon, program to practise recognition of telephone numbers in foreign languages, Bond University Language Centre, 1990-1992 (in development)

    (with Harper, H., and Levy, M. J.): Flatworld2, package teaching spatial relations and associated words, Bond University Language Centre, 1990.

    (with Kutash, G.): harukanaru, re-purposing of a Japanese full-length feature film for the development of listening proficiency. Bond University Language Centre, 1990.

    IBMREG, an adaptation for IBM PC of the MINISCAN lesson driver (UNIX version), Bond University Language Centre, 1990.

    IBMINPUT, an adaptation for IBM PC of the authoring system for IBMREG, Bond University Language Centre, 1991.

    BUS1, corrective phonetics package using digitised speech and digital filtering to enhance perception of sounds and correct pronunciation problems with French [y], Bond University Language Centre, 1991.

    (with Hudson, T. J and Hoven, D. L.): SBPLAY, program for the development of listening comprehension skills, Australian Second Language Learning Project, 1993.

    (with Lian, A. B.): CELLMENU, menu-based management system for Computer-Enhanced Language Learning, Department of Modern Languages, James Cook University, 1994.

    (with Lian, A. B.): Dialog, a dialogue practice system for second language learning, Department of Modern Languages, James Cook University, 1994.

    (with Lian, A. B.): AVI2, a sampler of international satellite television based on digitised video technology, Department of Modern Languages, James Cook University, 1994.

    (with Lian, A. B.): Audiovisual database, Department of Modern Languages, James Cook University, 1994.

    (with Lian, A. B.): Mmbrowse, audiovisual listening comprehension development program, Department of Modern Languages James Cook University and A&A software, October 1995.

    (with Lian, A. B.): Mmbauth, authoring program for Mmbrowse, Department of Modern Languages James Cook University and A&A software, October 1995.

    (with Oram, P. G., Dixon, M., Lian A. B.): MMstory, a multimedia storyboard program, Department of Modern Languages James Cook University and A&A software, October 1995.

    (with Oram, P. G., Dixon, M., Lian A. B.): Mmstauth, authoring system for MMstory, Department of Modern Languages James Cook University and A&A software, October 1995.

    (with Lian, A. B.): Mmbrowse, (integrated authoring version) audiovisual listening comprehension development and exploration program, Department of Modern Languages James Cook University and A&A software, April 1996.

    (with Lian, A. B.): Grads01 - Grads06, prototype audiovisual listening comprehension development program for German, Department of Modern Languages James Cook University and A&A software, April 1996.

    (with Lian, A. B.): Intonation Patterns of French (lesson 2 sensitisation), prototype pronunciation program for French, Department of Modern Languages James Cook University and A&A software, April 1996.

    (with Lian, A. B.): Intonation Patterns of French (lesson 2 reinforcement), prototype pronunciation program for French, Department of Modern Languages James Cook University and A&A software, April 1996.

    (with Lian, A. B. and Zhang, F. Z.): Intonation Patterns of Chinese, prototype pronunciation program for Chinese, Department of Modern Languages James Cook University, April 1996.

    (with Lian, A. B.): WWTLab, a prototype dialogue practice system.

    (with Lian, A. B.): Mmbrowse, (integrated authoring version) (upgrade) audiovisual listening comprehension development and exploration program, School of Languages, Literature and Communication, James Cook University and A&A software, 1997.

    (with Lian, A. B.): MMgen, a proof-of-concept demonstration of a learning environment based on the principles enunciated in 'The Secret of the Shao-Lin Monk' and other articles. The system generates, on-demand and under learner control, lesson and other materials for language-learning. The demonstration focuses on work with intonation patterns.

    (with Puakpong, N. and Lian, A. B.): MMexplore, audiovisual listening comprehension development and exploration program, Critical Pedagogy and Technology Consultants Pty Ltd, 2003 - 2006.

    Other programs are currently under development


    Workshops and seminars conducted (1981 - 1997)
    (excluding papers read at conferences - incomplete record after 1997)


















    13 September 2009